Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Journal Joys-May 16, 2016

A couple of months ago, I saw the name of Cleo Jon Woolf on the Vacaville Second Ward roster.  Being the curious person that I was, I had to know how we were related because WOOLF was spelled ‘my way’.  Bishop McKimsey told me he lived a couple doors away from him and would be happy to set up a time for us to meet.  In early April the meeting took place in Brother Woolf’s home.  The minute we walked into his family room I noticed the John Anthony family history book on his coffee table.  I then knew we were related but I had to know how.  Brother Woolf told us some family stories.  Growing up was not easy for him.  He and his sister were sent to a relative’s home to live because the family couldn’t afford to feed and take care of the whole family.  The thought went through my head, I am sure mom would be proud of me for coming to see if we were related.  We visited for about an hour and then left.  He told us that we could come back any time, but he doesn’t go to church.  That’s fine, I was just thrilled to be able to meet him. 

On May 8, Bishop McKimsey text me to tell me that Brother Woolf had passed away on May 4, after a brief respiratory illness.  I was shocked because he seemed in such good health when we had visited just a month before. We went to the funeral, which was held in a funeral home.  He was born March 5, 1931 in Riverdale, Idaho.  A nephew, Russell Woolf, gave the eulogy.  As introduced family I realized I was in a very large group with lots of Woolf’s that I was related to but I was probably the only active member.  How did this happen?  What was their story?  Who should I talk to?  My first introduction was to Russell, who gave the eulogy.  I explained how my husband and I were in California serving a mission for our Church and pointed to my name-tag.  Then I told him of finding Jon’s name on a ward roster, meeting him, and then figuring out that we were related.  He warmed up a bit but then told me that the person I needed to talk to was Sally, another cousin, because she was the family history specialist.  Next stop was meeting Sally.  I introduced myself to her and told the same introduction story and she told me the exact line and said she would be happy to email me.  We gave her one of our missionary cards because that is all we had and it had our email addresses.  She then sent me to a gentleman in the corner and explained that he was the one that I would want to meet because he was about the only active member of their line.  Off I went again and introduced myself and told my story to            .  Yes, they are active and could tell us some about the family.  He was a very spiritual person but didn’t attend church.  He lived in a cul-de-sac, of which they honored him as the mayor because he took care of everyone.  He too garbage cans in, treated the kids, mowed lawns and basically watched over everyone.  He loved to email people with jokes and had a great sense of humor.  It was a delightful visit and we both parted knowing that we were supposed to meet.  So here is how we are related:
·       Cleo Jon Woolf-his brother Scott and wife Betty were at the funeral.
·       Russell-Viola were Jon’s parents
·       James Woolf
·       John Anthony

I know that in the John Anthony Woolf book that I looked at with him the lineage was easy to follow.  So you’ll either have to look it up or take my word for it.  When you look on Ancestry it’s a little harder for figure out because of the lack of names.  I am so grateful that I connected with Brother Woolf.  I am grateful for the persistent feeling I had that we should meet him and then attend his funeral.  I feel it is one of those tender mercies the Lord is giving to us here on our mission.

Other than that it has been a normal couple of weeks.  I had a wonderful birthday and Craig treated me like a queen.  We are beginning to loose many families to new assignments.  The bishops are now praying for many more families to move in.  The Fairfield Ward bishop thinks he will loose about one-third of his ward.  He is loosing both counselors, YW president, and that is just the beginning.  Once the new families begin to move in we will be very busy as we try to visit all the military member families. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Journal Joys-May 14, 2016

I LOVE the examples we have in Ammon, Aaron, Omner, Himni, and their brethren. Besides the fact that they were probably the best missionaries ever, their patience amidst their afflictions, their humility, and especially their love of God and their fellow men led them to reap a great harvest as they testified with all their hearts of the redemptive power of the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ. They left the land of Zarahemla with the desire and hope that their labor among the Lamanites would lead to the salvation of a few souls, but they were the means of bringing thousands unto salvation. Verse 12 particularly sticks out to me, in which Ammon says, "Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God,for in his strength I can do all things..." As missionaries, this should be on our lips in every prayer we say because we can do nothing unless we have the strength of the Lord with us! We are instruments in His hand, and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to learn this these past 17 (almost 18, yikes!) months. More than anything, I have come to know that when we rely solely upon the strength of the Lord, we truly can do all things. We can climb every mountain, forge every sea, shoulder any trial, and (yes, I do have the Sound of Music running through my head) be patient in the midst of any affliction because the Lord is EVERYTHING to us and He has GIVEN EVERYTHING for us.  Sister Moore's favorite scripture is 2 Nephi 22:2 which says, "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song, he also has become my salvation." When we trust in the Lord we need not fear because we have faith, "an assurance of things hoped for and not seen..."(Hebrews 11:1).  That faith can make future blessings a reality as you "press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father, ye shall have eternal life." That joy can become real to us now, through our faith, just as the Nephites faith in Christ made His atonement a reality to them before He came to earth.
I love you all, I hope you are all doing well, and I can't wait to be with you again! Have a great week!!